
The key to the city of Istanbul with a population of 16 million. We developed Istanbulkart mobile application and website.


The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality

BELBIM has been building technology solutions that connect the enterprises and the residents of the Eurasian metropolitan. In 1994, the company built the first electronic toll collection system for public transportation in the country with its highly-popular inter-transportation payment tool “Akbil,” also known as the smart ticket. After Akbil, BELBIM went for a more convenient and smart solution, Istanbulkart.


Realization: 2021 – Ongoing


Realization: 2021 – Ongoing


The future is mobile—so is

For almost a decade, BELBIM has connected millions of Istanbulites with Istanbulkart that lets residents use public transport of all kinds, and in 2019, our paths crossed with BELBIM to carry İstanbulkart one step ahead as the “card of the city.” After the 2019 transformation, users got the ability to make payments in BELBIM enterprises such as cafes and restaurants, bike rentals, parking spaces, and more! Today, İstanbulkart is going through yet another major transformation, taking advantage of the mobile payment capabilities of Tmob Mobile Financial Solutions Platform.


Redefining the user habits of +10 years

Our roads crossed with BELBIM intending to offer a more mobile-centric experience to Istanbulites. The first challenge was to carry all of the features that İstanbulkart offers and more into the mobile devices. With the MFS Platform, we reimagined how the İstanbulkart Mobile app can serve more than 13 million users.

Why Tmob?

Why did BELBIM choose Tmob?

Looking for a solution partner that can accelerate the mobile transformation of İstanbulkart, BELBIM decided to go with an experienced mobile solution provider with great know-how in the mobile payments area and can take advantage of NFC and QR payment technologies. As a SaaS / PaaS company that has served digital banks, mobile wallets, and FinTech start-ups for more than twelve years, we thought that our Mobile Financial Solutions Platform would fit perfectly with the renewed, digitalised, and mobilised İstanbulkart. In a concise time, like eight months, we customized our platform and created the Istanbulkart Mobile application.


Our solutions

We’ve been developing our MFS platform to meet the everyday needs of the modern user that uses technology as a key to convenience. For the Istanbulkart Mobile app, we took key mobile technologies that can ease urban life. With the new Istanbulkart Mobile app, users can use their mobile devices as an Istanbulkart payment tool and an actual Istanbulkart!

No Need for a Physical Card
We redeveloped Istanbulkart Mobil app for passengers to use public transport without the need for a physical card.
Balance Check
Passengers can chack their Istanbulkart balances via the app, without needing to going to a kiosk.
Subscription Payments
Users can now make subscription payments for monthly card fees automatically.
Kiosk Map
Passengers can see the Istanbulkart kiosk map for their physical card needs.

New interface & user experience

MVP in 30 days
İstanbulkart Mobil app has reached to the top in its category under 30 days.
It’s looking good
It's simple user interface lets anyone navigate thorugh the features easily.
Less pain, more gain
The Istanbulkart Mobil app lets passengers have a more seamless, digitalised experience.
Easy to use mobile app
Istanbulkart Mobil app lets users control their payments and cards easily thanks to the minimalistic interface.

Ready to roll!

Thanks to our expertise in the area, we created the app and the new website so much faster than expected, and launched it for the use of millions of Istanbulites.

13 million users

300,000 active daily
QR users


Ready to roll!

Thanks to our expertise in the area, we created the app and the new website so much faster than expected, and launched it for the use of millions of Istanbulites.

13 million users

300,000 active daily QR users

Erdogan Bayrak
Deputy General Manager

Istanbulkart Mobil is the mos prominent actor in our process of digitizing public transportation. We have accomplished a project that will set a model for the world by integrating end-to-end solutions into public transportation. Tmob was our most valuable companion in the renewal and design process of Istanbulkart Mobil. We are grateful for their dedication and sensitivity throughout this process.


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