Why Telcos Need to Enter the Fintech Arena for Growth

Financial technologies were the most surprising rising star of the last decade. Digitalization transformed many things, but almost nobody expected the financial climate to enter a new era so quickly.

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Where It All Began: Sub-Saharan Africa

Mobile money transfer services by telcos did not originate in Africa, but the SSA region was where the magic happened due to the incomparably higher unbanked and underbanked population.

The Latecomer with a Great Potential: MENA

When we look at the rate of the young population which is nearly 60%, it only made sense for telcos to offer financial services after the SSA success stories.

Mobile Financial Solutions are Helping Europe Go Cashless

Considering the enthusiasm of Europe to go fully cashless within a decade, we’ll likely see full support by governments throughout the mobile money transformation.

What you will see

In this whitepaper;

  • The Most Profitable Way for Telcos to Grow: Mobile Financial Solutions
  • Where It All Began: Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Mobile Financial Solutions are Helping Europe Go Cashless
  • The Late comer with a Great Potential: MENA
  • US Carriers are Falling Behind, but There is Still Hope
  • FinTech is the New Cool: Why Brands are Offering E-Wallets and FinTech Apps?

Get the whitepaper here

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